The OC blog - The Our Cockatiels Blog

Cockatiels make a wonderful hobby and wonderful pets! For those who want to handle their birds often, we suggest hand-tamed Cockatiels. Please research through reading, the internet, and asking questions of pet shop clerks before purchasing a Cockatiel. The more you know and understand about these wonderful birds the better relationship you and your Cockatiel will have with each other. If you click on our photos; you will have a super close-up.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Introduction to The OC.

This blog is about Our Cockatiels.
To find out about our Cockatiels available to your loving home scroll further down to our other blog entries.

Our first bird was a yellow parakeet that we named Big Bird.
Then we had another Parakeet.
Then after that we had various kinds of pets.

For the past several years we have had Cockatiels.
Until recently it was usually one or two at a time.

Recently we acquired enough Cockatiels to start breeding.
We had hope at least several pairs will mate but and several pairs have successfully mated and hatched Cockatiel chicks.

From our first clutch of eggs, we have 4 young Cockatiels about 3 months old.
Since the mother (Pearly) abandoned them when they were only a few days old and only the father (Snowy) fed them, eventually we decided to help him by hand-feeding them once in a while, in between his feeding them.
From our most recent successful clutch (Romeo & Juliet's mating) 2 of the chicks hatched, are weaned, eating on their own and are doing well.
Their mother has laid more eggs but the mother and father refuse to sit on them.
Another pair with our encouragement (setting the eggs in thei9r nest-box) has adopted those eggs and since laid more eggs.
At times many of our Cockatiels will be for sale.

We do not ship our Cockatiels due to the extra cost and due to the great risk to the birds.
One breeder charges $149 starting, just for the shipping cost.
Depending where you live and how soon you want your birds, that shipping cost will go higher!
Therefore buyers need to live close enough that you do not mind driving to Auburn Maine where we live. Or if you send a friend with the payment (cash) who lives close enough to pick up the Cockatiel (s) .

Cockatiels make a wonderful hobby and wonderful pets!
For children and those who want to handle their birds often, we suggest hand-tamed Cockatiels. Just when out of the cage for play and/or handling make sure your Cockatiel is safe from other pets like cats and dogs.
No matter how much a bird seems to get along with your dog or cat; when your bird is not safely in it's cage NEVER leave them alone together.
You just never know when the hunting, meat-eating instinct of a dog or cat will take over. Better safe then sorry!
Also, when your bird is out of the cage make sure no doors are open and make sure there are no windows without screens open. It only takes a second of someone going in and out of your house for your bird to escape and fly away. Even trimmed wings can grow out surprisingly quick!

If your Cockatiel is going to be in his/her cage most of the time then the cost of hand-tamed birds might not be a requirement.

(Note: Trimmed wings or not, your Cockatiel should have exercise time of at least one hour per day outside their cage whether it is flying around the house, walking around on the outside top of it's indoor cage, or just perching on your shoulder.
A little freedom and exercise will make your Cockatiel much happier.
This is something we have started to be more conscientious about.
If your bird is not hand-tamed or initially bites as you remove it from the cage then do what I do with our more aggressive birds and wear gloves.)

In the case where your bird is in it's cage most of the time, especially if it is one Cockatiel then make sure that it has one or two bird toys in its cage and that you talk to it often.
Cockatiels are a fairly smart bird and need stimulation as well as companionship to be happy and well-adjusted. Even if you do have 2 or more Cockatiels in the same cage; toys and speaking to them is still good stimulation to prevent boredom.
Preventing boredom is important because a bird can overgroom itself and even pull it's own feathers out as a result of such boredom.
One of their toys should be a grooming toy or a knotted rope with frayed ends because the Cockatiel will try grooming that some instead of over-grooming itself.
This is helpful no matter how many birds you have but especially important if your Cockatiel is alone in it's cage.
If you give most any bird a toy with a mirror; they will think they have a friend in the cage.
This can help with loneliness and boredom.
However, it may also cause the bird to be less attached to you.

Please research through reading, the internet, and asking questions of pet shop clerks before purchasing a Cockatiel. The more you know and understand about these wonderful birds the better relationship you and your Cockatiel will have with each other.

Oh and by the way:
if you click with your mouse on our photos you will see them larger with more details of our Cockatiels.

William & Rosemary Mazzulla

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